I've had a wonderful management career and learned much over the years! I've been fortunate to be given opportunities when at times seemed way over my head.....which was also my very first management job! The foundation for my future career was instilled from the onset based on trust, honesty and mutual respect
1. Trust
I had not yet completed my management training program and was given an opportunity to manage a group of very tenure employees with ZERO experience! I recall saying to my manager that I had no experience and he basically said, "Don't worry about it, if you have questions, ask." He trusted me which was extremely empowering and helped me believe in myself!! When I look back on this experience, I should have been scared out of my mind but instead my manager trusted me which in turn helped me trust myself.
2. Be honest about your experience and rely on the team
I went into the job not knowing anything so proceeded into quick learning mode and asking my direct reports questions galore! Since I had no experience, I relied on the team and went into the position with very open and curious eyes. So when I had questions and thought something didn't quite make sense, I would ask my tenured group to explain it to me.
Relying on my team for help was a trait that I embraced over my entire career!
3. Mutual Respect
I didn't have experience and obviously the team knew it! Because I was now a "supervisor", I certainly didn't push my title around since I needed them to help me! Over time, my technical skills increased but I always felt as an equal to my tenure group. I carried this trait throughout my career and truly feel we may have different roles and responsibilities but we are all equal and all contribute equally to all common goals. Everyone benefits when we work together!
Needless to say, it was an extremely rewarding experience that gave me the confidence to tackle new experiences without knowing exactly how to do it! I learned to rely on others and to believe in my ability and most importantly to TRUST my employees and myself!!