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A Dash of Empowerment is the Recipe for Success!

Surround Yourself with Success

  • By Barbara Mann
  • 12 Jul, 2018

Our Choices Around Workplace Environments Are the Key

Success in the workplace is not by accident but rather by conscious decisions around workplace environments. Employees who embrace the importance of surrounding themselves with positive, empowering and inspiring people, teams and organizations will create the doors of opportunity to achieve what they want to achieve. So where does it start? It starts with deciding which organization aligns with your values and what’s important to your success. Once we decide where we’d like to spend the majority of our day, it’s time to assess the culture of the organization, leaders and coworkers.

Choosing Success with the Organization

The first step with your success is choosing an organization that aligns with your values. How do we do this? Review the company’s website before an interview or even applying for a position. What are their core values or mission statement? Do they show the bios of the leadership team? Are they involved with their communities? What do their employees say on review sites? Before an interview, it’s extremely important to know about the company since this sets the wheels in motion for your success and also the hiring manager will probably ask you what you know about the company! The more you know about the company, the hiring manager will be impressed. What was your impression of the interview panel? If you had multiple interviews, how did you feel after each interview? Choose the organization wisely since this is your future!

Take Time to Understand The Environment

Now that you’ve chosen your organization and you’ve been hired, it’s now time to learn and understand the culture of the organization, the leaders and the coworkers. This takes some time and now just one day or one week. Most likely you’ll be meeting new people, undergo training, learning procedures and policies, etc. Give yourself as much time as needed to assess the workplace culture, leaders and coworkers. Sometimes we absolutely love all aspects of the new workplace which is great! Let people know how much you love it since this reinforces a great workplace. If there is something that is amiss, be part of the solution and not part of a problem. Remember your fresh perspective is important to leaders and good leaders love to hear the perspective of new employees.

Decision Time!

One of the most important steps in your success are your surroundings. So it’s now time to decide on the environment you feel will be most successful. This is an interesting step because it involves people and surrounding yourself in productive, inspiring and empowering groups. Who inspires you? Who do you see is successful? Who do you enjoy being around? Who allows you to grow? Where do you see opportunity to make a difference? Where do you see an opportunity to make positive changes? These are the people, teams and projects that will align with your success. If there are people who make you feel negative, powerless, anxious or uninspired, most likely these people or teams will not lead to your success. Similar to your chosen organization, choose your success team wisely.

The bottom line is that we make conscious decisions from the organization we choose to join to the employees and projects we choose to surround ourselves. Our choices will lead us to our success so it’s imperative to choose wisely. Your future is important and making the appropriate decisions for your journey is critical for your ultimate success!

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