Challenges in our personal and workplace lives will occur as long as we are on the planet! No getting around this one, folks! They could range from minor challenges such as having a flat tire to a more serious challenge of being laid off. No matter what the challenge, how we react is key with whatever is presented to us and the choice of reaction is always up to us.
Forces Expansion
In our daily lives, most people like to have a routine of how they proceed with their day, how they work, when they go to lunch, etc. When we are faced with a challenge, we are forced to mix up our routine and do something differently. It’s a wake up call to expand our current vision and do something new. Will there be resistance? Yes. How fast one embraces the change and removes resistance, the faster the challenge will be to overcome. When we view a challenge as a way to expand and learn, our mindset changes which allows for the growth.
Think Creatively
A challenge is a GREAT way to start thinking out of the box and get creative! When we are so used to thinking one way, we see the impossibilities all around. When we allow ourselves to think of different solutions and think out of the box, the creative blossoms! It’s amazing when the switch is turned from only thinking one way of doing things to many other ways of doing things! To road from point A to point B has many paths if we think out of the box! Will all the solutions work? Probably not, but let the creativity flourish and you’ll find the best one!
Builds Confidence
No matter what challenge we face, once we overcome a challenge, we usually end up in a better place. Knowing we faced the challenge and didn’t run away, builds enormous confidence and allows us to overcome the next challenge much easier. Over time, we know that anything put in our path can be overcome. Does this mean it won’t stir some sort of emotion? Of course not! We are human and we have emotion. It means that we will react initially and then start working towards the path of overcoming anything.
Provides Experience
When we go through a challenge, we probably relay the issue to others. Chances are, you obtain advice or help to assist which in turn goes into the “challenge toolbox”. As we have more and more experiences, we are able to provide advice to others to help through their own challenge. If we do not experience a setback, it’s difficult to provide meaningful help to other people.
Gain Valuable Hindsight
When we go through a challenge, we usually look back on the experience. Hindsight truly is 20-20. Many times, we realize it could have been prevented or we should have seen something before it occurred. Hindsight allows up to be more proactive in order to avoid repeating the same issue. Seeing challenges BEFORE they occur is an invaluable trait and most importantly being proactive to avoid the challenge is absolute key!
Challenges are truly our greatest gifts to allow for us to expand, learn and grow! Our routines are disrupted, our comfort zones are popped and we are forced to change it up! Once we remove the resistance and view a challenge as our opportunity to expand, be creative and be proactive, we start embrace our challenges with a smile!