We are all hired into a specific position when we join a company and know we want to expand our wings at some point but not sure when or where. As a hiring manager that has hired hundreds of employees over the years, we want to ensure the person is the right fit for their group. If a person is being considered from within the company, the hiring manager has the ability to obtain the candidate’s strengths and opportunities. It is IMPERATIVE all employees are acutely aware that we are all indirectly interviewing for jobs everyday! How employees conduct themselves on a daily basis creates the perception for others, including future hiring managers! What are some traits hiring managers seek? Here are 4 key traits:
Positive and Can Do Attitude
Let’s face it, most people gravitate towards likable people who are positive in nature who get things done. This does not mean a person has to like everything all the time or be agreeable all the time. A positive person with a can do attitude usually has solid problem solving abilities and figures out what CAN be done vs what CAN’T be done. This is a key trait many leaders desire on their teams! Trust me folks...this is a biggie!
Team Player
We hear this all the time so what does it mean for a hiring manager? This is an employee who supports their team, helps others and lifts others up including themselves. They are collaborative in nature and help others BEFORE being asked. They are equally concerned about the collective team versus just themselves. They handle changes well and help lead their teams through change.
If their individual performance is below expectation or something goes wrong, they hold themselves accountable and correct the issue. If something is amiss with their manager, they hold the manager accountable. If something is amiss from an ethical perspective, they advise the appropriate people. They are very good at assessing where the accountability lies without passing blame to others.
An employee who is engaged with other activities outside their normal job is a great trait! Engagement is a win-win because when an employee is engaged and aligned with their passions, they are much more satisfied at work! This could range from volunteering for a special task or community program. It could also mean being a new hire mentor, leading a team meeting, organizing an event, contributing to an employee resource group, etc. The key item to note is that an employee must balance their own performance and meet expectations with other engagement activities. I’ve seen many times when a person excels at engagement but their performance is lack luster which could be problematic. We want to stay balanced with performing well on our metrics and being engaged.
Be Yourself
Every person is unique with their own gifts and talents! Align those gifts and talents and all the items above fall into place. From experience, a hiring manager can tell if someone is being authentic or just trying to butter up the right people. So word of advice, ditch trying to butter up the hiring manager since this will come off as being sold a bill of goods. When you’re truly yourself, you’re happier and people see and feel it! So be authentic and be yourself.
The key point to stress is how you carry yourself everyday is an interview. Every employee watches coworkers, leaders and creates their own perceptions. So how do you want to be perceived? Start your interview before any position becomes available and be that ideal candidate for any hiring manager!