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Free Career Coaching and Mentoring Tips

Tips for Career Coaching and Mentoring

Utilizing 18 years of leadership, mentoring and coaching experience, the free resources are designed to help any level of employee at any stage of their career!

Video - Surviving Employment Termination

Believe it or not, most likely we will be terminated at one time or another in our career. So how do we survive and eventually thrive during this trying time? Learn more

Video - Identifying and Handling of Organizational Silos

When organizational silos are intentionally or unintentionally created, it prevents teams, departments and the organization from reaching the full potential. How do we identify, handle and remove these silos?

Video - Leadership Standards and the Impacts to Their Teams

Leadership standards and the success of the team go hand in hand. How does low, mediocre and high standards impact results, retention, salaries, promotions and culture? Learn more

Video - How to Attract and Retain Top Talent

Talent retention is not by accident and requires a comprehensive strategy to both attract and retain top talent. Who is the top talent? How engaged are these employees? Is culture important?

Video - Career transition, job change or job boredom?

How do we know when we're ready for a career transition or job change or just overcoming job boredom? What are some strategies we can implement for each situation? It's up to us to take charge of a change.

Video - Handling Mistakes in the Workplace

In the workplace, one thing is a given, we are going to make mistakes. It's how we handle these mistakes as leaders and individual contributors that makes all the difference.

Video - Misconduct in the Workplace: Identifying and Handling

Every organization has standards for conduct and appropriate behavior. Are we all held accountable to such standards? What are the potential consequences? How can we avoid misconduct?

Video - Strategies on How to Set Yourself Apart and Expedite Career Success

How can you set yourself apart in the workplace and expedite career success? In this video, we discuss a some strategies that ANY LEVEL of employee can implement to do just that! 

Video - Is Asking for Help a Sign of Strength or Weakness?

Many employees are reluctant to ask questions. Why? Do we feel we will be judged? Do we feel we should know the answer? What are the benefits other than obtaining the necessary help? Is there such a thing as asking too many questions?

Video - Does Every Employee Need to Like Each Other To Ensure Success?

Every employee is unique with different perspectives, personalities and experiences. Do we like every employee on our team? Is that a requirement for a successful team? How do we work with employees we may not like?

Video - How to Become an Effective Employee Change Agent

Change is a given and change agents are the employees who initiate change. Are all change agents effective? How can we ensure we are effective change agents? What are the impacts to our careers? Learn more!

Video - Maintaining Healthy Employee Retention Rates

Employee turnover is a given in any organization and creates opportunity and growth. But when turnover is too high, there are impacts to the team. Maintaining a healthy retention rate equates to empowered, productive and valued employees.

Video - Disrupters in the workplace: friend or foe?

Are disrupters necessary for an operation? How do you identify a disrupter? Do they have positive or negative impacts on an operation, department or team? It depends!

Video - Handling a Layoff and Be Successful

Being laid off creates unexpected changes for people that forces out of our comfort zones. In this video, we discuss how we may feel, how to take our next steps and how to embrace vs resist the time between jobs.

Video - Common HR Discussions

Human Resources is an invaluable department to help every level of employee to be successful, productive and engaged. From senior management to individual contributor, they provide unbiased partnerships for every level of employee. 

Video - 5 Elements of High Performing Teams

Why do some teams and organizations perform better than others? Why are their employees more engaged and more productive? Is it just by accident or does the organization focus on key elements? They focus on it!

Video - The importance of informal leaders

Informal leaders are extremely important to every operation. They have tremendous influence among their peers and can provide valuable feedback to management. So how do we recognize these leaders? How can we work collaboratively?

Video - You've Mastered Your Job or Role, Now What?

It's a rewarding feeling when we've mastered our job or role but sometimes it leaves us feeling bored, unfulfilled and wanting more. How can we stay engaged and moving forward in our career paths?

Video - Building a Robust Rewards and Recognition Program

Employees like to feel appreciated and valued at all levels of the organization. One way to ensure this happens is through a rewards and recognition program!

Video - How To Break Out Of the Comfort Zone

We sure love those comfort zones, don't we! Do they help or hurt us when it comes to change? How can we break out of the zone when we are ready to change? Commitment, support and a plan.

Video - First Week/First Impressions

Are first impressions important for both new hires and managers? YES! Your first week establishes perceptions of the staff, the training, the culture and more!

Video - Gratitude and Leadership Go Hand in Hand

Is gratitude important for leaders? Absolutely! Leaders who sincerely express gratitude towards their team build loyal, engaged and productive teams! 

Video - Are Leaders Expected to Know All The Answers? No!

Are leaders expected to know all the answers? Are potential leaders expected to know the role before being in a role? Of course not! What is expected is that leaders and future leaders to know what they don't know and find out the answer!

Video - Set Yourself Apart with a Great Resume!

Resumes are designed to catch the attention of recruiters and hiring managers. So how can you set yourself apart and be noticed among hundreds of other candidates? Learn more!

Video - How Adversity in the Workplace Leads to Prosperity!

Regardless of our role in the workplace, we know there will be adverse situations come our way. Why are these situations necessary for us? What do we learn? 

Video -  Do All Employees Really Need to Meet The Minimum Expectations? YES!

From  C Execs to front line employees, every employee is accountable to meet the minimum expectations of their position. Do we all know these expectations? Do we all know where we stand? If we are below, how do we rectify it?

Video -  Should Leaders be Consistent, Flexible or Both?

Creating a workplace environment of trust, fairness, empowerment, creativity and success requires leadership to be consistent and flexible. When should leadership be consistent and when should leadership be flexible?

Video -  Can meetings actually be useful? Of course!

Most of us dread meetings and feel they are a waste of time. So how can we make meetings engaging, inspiring and fun? In this video we discuss how to ensure meetings are productive and effective.

Video - Handling Expected and Unexpected Workplace Turnover

Turnover will happen in any organization. How management handles turnover is the key! What are some key ingredients? Communication, comprehensive plan and being proactive! 

Video - Workplace Turnover: Friend or Foe?

Is workplace turnover important to manage? Yep! Is it always bad? Can it be positive? What does it say about an organization or leadership team? 

Video - Performance Management 101

What is one of the most dreaded duties of a manager? Performance management! Can it be productive, rewarding and instill trust? Absolutely! 

Video - Your Empowered You - 1 Year of Service!

Want to learn more about the services provided in our first year of business? This video touches upon wide range of coaching topics from first job to senior management role! 

Video - The Power of Staying in Control of Workplace Emotions

Want to be known as a great problem solver and influence your team, department or organization? It starts with being in control of your emotions with both customers and your coworkers! 

Video - The Success Mindset: Think it, See It, Believe It, Achieve it!

Success means different things to different people but what is the same is their mindset! So do they think differently? YES! This video explores the mindsets and how to achieve your personalized success!

Video - Recognition in the Workplace Pays Off!

Recognition and appreciation goes a long way in the workplace! There are numerous benefits to the individual, team and organization. What are those benefits? How often? Formal vs informal?

Video - Is Empowering Employees Really That Important? YES!!

How do you build trust, autonomy and efficiencies among at team? EMPOWERMENT! 

Video - How are Your Goals Progressing?

This is a follow up to Ready, Set, Goal and to review how our goals are progressing. Do we need additional resources or time? Are we procrastinating? Are we experiencing self doubt? Let's find out!

Video - Assessing New Workplaces

When we are new to a workplace environment, we encounter new people, new policies, new procedures with their own perceptions, opinions and stories. What can we do to assess a new environment independently with our own lenses?

Video - Effective Workplace Change Management

One thing is for certain, things change! How can we make workplace change easier? Have a plan, communicate and understand how people deal with change!

Video - Work Life Balance is Not a Luxury, It's a Necessity!

Is work life balance a luxury? Heck No! It's an absolute NECESSITY! Why do we struggle with work life balance and what can we do to ensure the right balance? Learn more!

Video Series- Leadership Coaching 
Part 1 - What Makes a Great Leader?

Working for great leaders is inspiring, empowering and engaging! What traits do these leaders possess? Why are they successful? First and foremost, they care about the success of their people!

Video Series- Leadership Coaching 
Part 2 - How to Become a Great New Manager

Becoming a new manager is exciting and carries different responsibilities than an individual contributor. So how can you make the transition into management easier? Learn more!

Video Series- Leadership Coaching 
Part 3 - Successfully Managing Managers

Managing an entire operation and managers carries different responsibilities than any other role. So how can you successfully manage an entire operation? Learn more!

Video - Career Success Begins with an Engaging Onboarding Plan

When does career success start? On an employee's first day with  a thoughtful and engaging onboarding plan!

Video - Creating a Strong Company Culture

A strong and healthy company culture is not by accident! In this video we discuss the key ingredients including diverse work groups, required materials and implementation plan!

Video - Considerations for Your Smooth Career Transition

Making a career transition is one of the biggest and most exciting decisions we can make! How can we make the transition more smooth? Ask questions, align to core values, and plan! 

Video - Most Common Coaching Topics for Individual Contributors

What are the most common coaching topics for Individual Contributors? Relationship building, career pathing, engagement and more! 

Video - Most Common Coaching Topics for Leaders

What are the most common coaching topics for leaders? Relationship building, communication, difficult conversations and more! 

Video - Effectively Leading Difficult Conversations

Most managers DREAD difficult conversations however they can be the most productive, rewarding and trustworthy conversations you've ever had! Learn how!

Video - Get Engaged With Your Career!

Want to feel excited and more fulfilled at work? Of course! Employee engagement is the key so take control and be empowered to learn, grow and be fulfilled! Don't Wait!

Video - Great Internal Service Expedites Your Success

Do you provide superior internal customer service? What does this even mean? In a nutshell, internal service is how we treat our coworkers! Is it important? Absolutely! Learn why

Video - How to SHINE and Set Yourself Apart in Any Interview!

You've landed an interview! Now what? It's your time to shine and set yourself apart! Use these pointers and you'll land that dream job!

Video - Public Speaking - How to Love It!

Public Speaking make you  cringe? Can it really be a comfortable and rewarding experience? Absolutely!! Learn how to embrace public speaking and make it your friend!

PDF Document - Your Goals, Your Plan, 
Your Success!

Is Success a Methodology? Absolutely! The first step is to ask the right questions to obtain clarity and commitment! Download these key questions to ask yourself BEFORE creating your success plan!

Video Series- Expedite Career Success with a Coach or Mentor - But Why??

This short video explains the reasons why a great coach or mentor is needed at ANY stage of your career! They care about YOU and YOUR success! 

Video Series- Expedite Career Success with a Coach or Mentor - Expectations!

This short video outlines what to expect from your coach or mentor in meetings and afterwards! Hint: Feeling inspired, empowered and unleashing your full potential! 

Video Series- Expedite Career Success with a Coach or Mentor - Who??

This short video outlines WHO should you select as your coach or mentor. Should it be my manager? Someone inside my workplace or outside?  The key is how does this person make you feel?! 

Video - Ready...Set....Goal! Ready to Meet All Your 2018 Goals? Heck Yeah!!

This short video outlines 6 key elements necessary for meeting and exceeding ANY goal you set out to achieve!! The sky is the limit!!

Video - The Importance of Creating your Own Career Path - If you don't create it, someone else will! 

This short video discusses the importance of creating your own career path. We cover the "why", the necessary steps and what to expect when you're in control of your own destiny.

Video - Does Your Perception in the Workplace Really Matter? YES!!

This short video discusses the importance of knowing your perception, ensuring it's aligned with how you want to be perceived and how to change it. So be in control of your own perception! 

Video - Make Yourself the Obvious Choice Before a Position Opens!

This short video outlines how you make yourself the obvious choice BEFORE opportunity knocks! Set yourself apart from others to create the career path and success of your dreams.

Video - Creating and Delivering MEANINGFUL Performance Reviews

This short video outlines how both individual contributors and managers can make their performance reviews meaningful and value added to help lead to their career SUCCESS!

Video - 4 Reasons why it's important to be a great LISTENER

This short video outlines why being a GREAT listener is critical for success in any area of life, especially the workplace! In this short video, we discuss 4 reasons why being a great listener expedites your SUCCESS!
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